Monday 21 October 2013

Thematic history analysis: Hebden Cord Company

Having chosen our sites in Hebden Bridge, we were asked to do a personal site response under one of the given themes. I chose to follow up on the history of the site, on which a building was just recently demolished. Looking deeper into the history, it turns out that the building actually belonged to the famous Hebden Cord Company who had been on the site with a shop and warehouse for over 70 years. They specialised in producing high class outdoor clothing, and also cycling gear. Rumour has it that they supplied the wardrobes of many noble gentry back in the day. My analysis involved telling the history of the site through a timeline with diagrams depicting the different stages of the company, ending with the demolition and the council's proposed plans for the space.

 fun day out on site

very poetic of Hebden Bridge

clear example of the split level housing

the chosen site....

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